The Allenbrook Neighborhood Association
Allenbrook Neighborhood Association Minutes of the Association Meeting 6:30pm, Monday, April 17, 2023 Luby’s Cafeteria Community Room I. Call to Order by Bri A., President, at 6:30pm. Bri led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bri A. asked each person to introduce themselves. Members present were: - Bri A, Meadowbrook - Bobby J, Friars - Johnny & Isabell, Friars - Connie J, Birdsong - Rob B, Edgebrook W - Ken S, Friars - Wally B, Friars - Sandy D, Allenbrook - Michael & Denise, Edgebrook W - Enrique, Birdsong - Jonathan & Nancy, Edgebrook - Jesus, Allenbrook - Norma, Allenbrook - Marco & Tatianc, Edgebrook Guests and visitors present were: - Nancy, Edgebrook - Parada, N/A II. Approval of the current Agenda Sandy moved and Connie seconded to approve the Agenda for this meeting; passed unanimously. III. Approval of Minutes from the Last Meeting Michael moved and Norma seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 20, 2023; passed unanimously. IV. Board of Directors Reports Director’s reports: - None President’s report: - None V. Committee Reports - None VI. Scheduled New Business A. Discussion of upcoming Block Party which will be hosted and paid for by city of Baytown. - Members were asked to vote on their preferences for the Block Party. - The “savory” food option was selected over a “sweet” food option by 9 to 0. - Under the savory option, tacos were selects by a vote 7 to 3 for other options. - Inflatables and the Trackless Train amusements were chosen over two other options by votes of 3 and 4 to 0 and 1. - A date in June received 4 votes, July 2 votes, May and August received no votes, but is still contingent on the city’s availability. - A Saturday was preferred over a Friday by a vote of 15 to 0. - A late afternoon start time was chosen over a mid-morning start time. Summary: - Members prefer that the Block Party be held one Saturday in June, starting in the late-afternoon, with tacos for the food option and Inflatables and a Trackless Train the amusement attractions. B. Discussion of Teams the Association may wish to form to address various issues. Bobby led a discussion of just a few the kinds of Teams which the association could support. - For example: Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Team! Traffic and Safety Team, Saturday Morning Walk Group, Park Improvement Study Committee, Streets and Utilities Team, Events Planning, Speakers, and Other. - Members are invited to suggest many other kinds of Teams based on the kinds of improvements or activities they would like to see in the neighborhood. - Members are asked to consider their own personal interests such that with the help and resources of the entire association, members would be willing to lead and/or join Teams to pursue such interests. C. Discussion of Meeting Location and Times: - Norma motioned and Connie seconded to postpone a vote on choosing a new location to the next meeting; passed unanimously. - The questions to be considered are: - Do a majority of members want to move to another location? - And, if a majority would like to move, is there a majority in favor of any specific location? D. Bobby motioned and Sandy seconded to set, in accordance with the required 61 day notice provision of the bylaws, the meeting of Monday, June 19, 2023, to amend the bylaws as described below; motion passed unanimously. - Article VI: Officers, Section 2: Duties, Vice President - Original wording: “…responsible for publicity and meeting notifications.” - Proposed wording: “…responsible for association notices and communications.” VII. Old Business Nominations were in order for Secretary and Treasurer. - Connie nominated and Michael seconded Denise M to serve as Secretary and member of the Board of Directors; elected unanimously. - Rob nominated and Norma seconded Connie J to serve as Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors; elected unanimously. VIII. New Business from committees None. IX. Set Next Meeting Date, Time, Place, and Agenda Next Meeting Date is set for Monday, June 17th, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, at Luby’s Cafeteria. X. Other Announcements Reminders and announcements - None. Closing remarks from Directors - None. Closing remarks from the President - None. X. Adjournment Rob moved and Michael seconded to adjourn until Monday, June 17th at 6:30pm at Luby’s Cafeteria, passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:42pm.
Posted by Bobby April 4, 2023